The Rapeseed plant has a long history dating back some 4,000 years and is mentioned in ancient Indian and Japanese literature. However, rapeseed oil is relatively new to Ireland. It is a good alternative to imported olive oil. Nowadays, it is known for its many nutritional benefits.
It can be used in salad dressing, dipping sauces, mayonnaise, marinated vegetables, meat, fish and hummus. It can be used in desserts and baking. It is a great alternative to butter or olive oil. It doesn't over power the flavours but compliments cooking. It adds a richness of colour.
Its a good idea to buy your rapeseed in a dark glass bottle or tin as the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and omega 6) are light sensitive and can be damaged by plastic. It should be stored in a cool place.
Certified Organic rapeseed is the better option as glyphosate or other herbicides are not used. Insecticides are often sprayed on conventionally grown rapeseed. These insecticides may cause adverse health effects.
A tasty simple recipe is 'SAVOURY POTATOES'

400g peeled potatoes (thinly sliced)
1 onion (thinly sliced)
100g streaky bacon (cut into strips)
Tablespoon organic rapeseed oil
250ml vegetable stock
1 clove garlic crushed
Freshly ground cracked black pepper
Parsley chopped (optional)

Slice the potatoes thinly. Slice onion thinly. Heat the oil and lightly sweat the onions and garlic. Add the bacon and cook for two minutes. Add the sliced potatoes followed by the stock. Season with pepper.
Transfer to oven in a ovenproof dish.
Cook in oven at 180c until potatoes are tender.
Serve with chopped parsley (optional).
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