Making diamond claddagh rings is our specialty the following is part two in our diamond terms glossary, giving an insight into the world of diamonds.

CANARY YELLOW: - A shade of intense yellow colour rarely found in either rough or polished diamonds. The term is often misused to denote diamonds of yellowish hue.
CAPE (capital 'C'): - Cape Province, one of the four provinces of the Republiic of South ZAfrica, in which Kimberley is situated.
CAPES (small 'c'): - A broad range of diamonds of a yellow colour.
CARAT: - The unit of weight used for measuring diamonds and other gems. The metric carat universally employed today (200 milligrammes).
CARATAGE: - Either the weight of a stone or the output of a mine.
CARBONADO: - A species of exceptionally hard industrial diamonds usually black in colour. The province of Bahia in Brazil is the principal source.
CHIPS: - Small cleavages weighing less than a carat.
CLEAVAGE: - An irregularly shaped rough diamond, broken at some stage of its existence, that necessitates its being cleaved rather than sawn before it is polished.
CLEAVAGE PLANE: - The direction in which a stone may be cleaved.
CLEAVING: - A preparatory stage in the cutting of a diamond. The stone is split along the grain parallel to one of its octahedral faces either to remove impurities within or to eliminate major flaws or cracks.
COLLET OR CULET: - The pointed end of a cut diamond which is sometimes polished and thereby slightly flattened. If it has been poliished it represents the 58th facet of a brilliant-cut.
CROWN: - The part of any faceted gemstone which lies above the girdle.
CUBE: - A basic shape in which rough diamonds are found. Cubes possess six square faces that make 90o angles with one another, similar to dice; the faces may be flat, concave or convex.
CUSHION-CUT: - A polished gem with a squarish outline and rounded corners. The side view is similar to that of a brilliant-cut. This style of cutting is no longer undertaken on a commercial basis.
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